
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year, New Blog

I may be a little late to the whole blog thing, but I am usually a little late to most things in my life.  You might say I am a bit of a late bloomer.  Choosing a career, becoming a mom, starting a blog.  All way behind my peers.  Okay, maybe not too behind.  I am more of a "middle of the pack" kinda girl.  I like to blend.  Not stick out too much.  I feel safer never taking risks.  Weighing my options.  Taking my time.  I dip my toe in the water before jumping in the pool.  The fact that I married at age 23 still astounds me.  How the heck did that happen?  Very unlike me to be a trendsetter, but thank goodness for that uncharacteristic plunge I took at such a young age.  I jumped right out off the cliff and haven't looked back.

So, why yoga pants and ponytails?  Well, that's my new uniform.  Yes, the stereotype is true.  I had a baby last year and decided that rather than loving other people's children all day (and being exhausted by them) I would rather quit my job and love on mine all day.  We may have lost 40% of our income in a shaky economy, but he is only going to be a baby once.  He already isn't much of a baby anymore (gulp).  So, now I am home and rockin' the stay-at-home mom look 24/7.  I never thought I would, but here I am and truthfully I've never been happier.

We were on the way to a friend's house about a month ago (playdates are an essential part of my life now, never mind the fact that baby hardly interacts with his peers yet.  Playdates are for mommy.  Mommy needs friends so that she doesn't go crazy).  My friend texted me "Be warned.  Haven't showered yet and still in p.j.s" I was only one step ahead of her in that I was "dressed" in what else?  Yoga pants and my hair was in a ponytail.  No, I had not just taken a yoga class at the overpriced gym we joined so that I could bounce back after baby.  I wanted to text back "that's what yoga pants and ponytails are for" but truth be told, I hate texting so I just said it out loud and waited for the light to turn.  (Yes, shameful confession: I read a text while driving with my baby in the car.  I was at a long red light.  Don't judge.)

So, with the closing of the craziest year of my life (good-bye 2012, you were a total time warp for me and I don't remember huge chunks of time because I was sleep deprived and my hormones were a bit wonky but you were also so good to me and my new little family and you went by astonishingly fast and I am not really sure how that happened) I thought that I would ring in 2013 by starting something that I have only been meaning to do since early 2008.  So, here we go...

Happy New Year!

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